Traydstream and GCX partner to tackle ESG analytics and reporting 


Traydstream Limited, the London based fintech, and GCX, a global ESG technology and advisory company based in South Africa, are excited to announce their collaboration on bringing ESG risk metrics to the Traydstream automated trade document checking solution for banks and corporates.  


Established in 2016, Traydstream has been deploying its digitization and automation solution to identify, extract and interpret thousands of data attributes from over 150 common global trade document types. In addition to being able to conduct over 350,000 permutations of trade rules, sanctions, and compliance checks, clients have benefited from having fully digital records that are auditable and a transparent source of management insights about their trade business.  


In response to a fragmented ESG landscape with many standards, frameworks and reporting tools, GCX provides a consolidated data framework for effective ESG performance management reporting.  This assists boards and executives to report and manage their requirements for global ESG benchmarks, standards frameworks and rating agencies.  


Kevin James, CEO and Founder of GCX said, “Having accurate data that is available, reliable and fully automated is the primary requirement for unlocking much needed ESG intelligence and insights required to support management decision making. The partnership with like-minded organizations, like Traydstream allow us to make this positive impact and is simply the start of what is possible.”   


This collaboration will provide Traydstream’s clients the ability to assess ESG information at a transactional level, allowing them to better understand the ESG impacts such as carbon footprint and human rights. Traydstream’s ability to not only extract data from the document set, but also ingest third party data such as vessel information and sanctioned parties means that customers can start to get a clearer picture of their ESG risks across the trade space.  


Uzair Bawany, Chief Commercial Officer at Traydstream noted, “We have been speaking with our clients for some time on their ESG aspirations but wanted to ensure that we were addressing these requirements in a tangible and meaningful way. Currently we are working on a use case with a client to demonstrate the tangible benefits in the first phase of this effort. Working with ESG experts like GCX and leveraging the existing capabilities of our platform can provide a big leap for banks and corporates looking to get handle on their ESG capabilities.” 

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