Traydstream Recognised as One of the Fastest Growing Businesses in the UK

Traydstream is proud to announce its inclusion in the prestigious UK Fast Growth Index for 2024. Traydstream has been recognised as one of the fifty fastest-growing firms in UK, a significant achievement out of over 5.6 million businesses nationwide. The specific ranking within the list will be revealed at the UK Fast Growth Awards on November 28th at the Bloomsbury Big Top in London.

The UK Fast Growth Index identifies the fastest-growing businesses in seven nations and regions, highlighting their exceptional contributions to the UK economy. Collectively, the 350 businesses on this year’s index are generating over £12 billion in turnover.

Sameer Sehgal, CEO of Traydstream, commented on the achievement

“We are thrilled to be recognised as one of the fastest-growing businesses in UK. This acknowledgment is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team, and we are excited to continue our journey of growth and innovation. We look forward to the awards evening, where we will celebrate this achievement alongside other remarkable businesses from across the UK.”

Professor Dylan Jones-Evans, the founder of the UK Fast Growth Index, said:

“The businesses listed in this year’s UK Fast Growth Index represent the best of British entrepreneurship. Their collective contributions are driving significant economic growth, creating jobs, and shaping the future of the UK economy. We are proud to celebrate their success and look forward to revealing their place on the lists at the awards ceremony this November.”

The UK Fast Growth Awards ceremony promises to be a night of celebration, recognising businesses from across seven regions namely London, the Midlands and the East of England, the North of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, the South of England and Wales. It will also honour the fastest-growing firms in twelve key sectors acknowledging the incredible impact of these businesses on the UK’s economy.

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