Traydstream is delighted to announce the signing of an exciting global partnership with Accenture to support digital trade finance transformation.

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AI in Trade Finance: Myths vs. Reality

AI in Trade Finance: Myths vs. Reality

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly becoming a core component of modern trade finance operations. From document checking and discrepancy detection to compliance and operational efficiency, AI-powered solutions are helping banks and corporates navigate the...

How AI is Transforming Banking Without Replacing Human Expertise

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the banking sector, driving efficiency, scalability, and innovation. However, concerns persist about AI’s impact on human roles, and legacy systems pose significant challenges to adoption. While AI will continue to...

Sambit Patnaik – Chief Operating Officer

Sambit Patnaik – Chief Operating Officer

Introduction Can you briefly introduce yourself and your role at Traydstream? I am Sambit Patnaik, Chief Operating Officer at Traydstream. I have been with Traydstream for more than 7 Years now, and prior to that worked at Global Banks for 25 Years. My Team is...