Traydstream was proud to be selected for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Green Finance Subsidy Program, and have started getting our operations and projects up and running as TRAYDSTREAM Japan, Inc. from this January.
Traydstream provides a SaaS platform service that automates the process of conventional paper and physical trade finance document checking, by utilizing advanced AI/ML technologies. We are excited by the take up of our solution already with a major Japanese Trading Company user, and many discussions with other exporter companies and (mega) banks that are looking to shorten the overall time of delivery of trade and improve efficiency of document checking operations.
We have further exciting plans to develop an ESG Scoring Indicator, allowing us to use trade data on the platform to enable green financing for trade related transactions and support banks to be compliant for oncoming regulatory environmental risk capital requirements.
Yutaka Izawa, Traydstream Japan Representative shares his current thoughts as follows. “I started my career banking in IT and became a banker to provide value added financial services to Japanese companies around the world. I do the same now through a smaller Fintech but with larger expanding value proposition ! “
グリーンファイナンス外国企業進出支援|東京都 (tokyo.
更に、ESG Scoring Indicator開発して、
Traydstreamジャパン代表の伊澤 裕は現在の心情を次のように述べています。「私は大手外銀のIT